Sarah + Ben

It all started at my best friends weddings. We had joked that I was going to go into labor during the wedding which did not happen but when I was at the reception I started to get contractions that were uncomfortable 5 minutes apart. I was thinking no way this could actually happen.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…

We left the wedding early and went home.

I started cleaning the house in case I was actually going into labor. I cleaned the house until midnight getting contractions as close to 2-3 minutes apart but it was sporadic and not super strong. I finally decided to go to bed and just try to sleep. I finally managed to go to sleep and when I woke up they were gone like nothing ever happened.

A week later I had an appointment with my midwife and i told her I had experienced prodromal labor but it went away and I had no labor signs since then. No mucus plug nothing lol.

The next day I had an extremely busy schedule and was gone all day. That evening around 8 Oโ€™clock I started having contractions and they started at 5 minutes apart and very uncomfortable.

I was just thinking another night of prodromal labor lol. I was in complete denial.

I put my toddler to sleep and it was so hard just laying in bed waiting for him to fall asleep.

At 10 pm I went to the bathroom and had my bloody show and was dripping blood. Thatโ€™s when I told my husband that I was in labor. But that it could still be a long time before baby was born.

I got up and started cleaning the house and told my husband if he wanted any sleep tonight he better go to bed in case this is real even though I was still halfway in denial.

I cleaned the house mopping all the floors and doing laundry and random stuff I thought HAD to be done till 1 am.๐Ÿ˜…

I knew my midwives were 2 hours away and I was supposed to call them when contractions were around 4 minutes apart. So I started timing them around midnight and they were 2-3 minutes apart. I remember thinking oh they are way too close to not be crazy strong so that means this is just prodromal so I just dismissed it and didnโ€™t call.๐Ÿ™ˆ

At 1:06 my water broke and I was sooo excited!!! I knew then it was the real deal but it still didnโ€™t feel that strong. My sister called me and I was laughing and talking on the phone while she kept trying to convince me to call the midwives and I kept saying I was still in early labor.๐Ÿคฃ

I called my doula and told her I would want her soon but I was still doing ok so no rush.

About 1:30 all of the sudden things shifted and it got real FAST. I got in the shower and yelled at my husband to get up and help me.

He jumped up and saw that he needed to call the midwife ASAP!๐Ÿ˜†

He called her and she asked to talk to me and I said one or 2 words and had a contraction and threw the phone on speaker on the floor and she didnโ€™t even wait for the contraction to finish and said she was on her way!

I was tired of the shower and hot so I got out and my doula arrived shortly after and started doing hip squeezes for me which was the BEST!

The first midwife got there about 3:15 and then my midwife arrived around 3:46.

I was feeling like I was pushing during contractions but I thought it was impossible since I had only felt like I had been in active labor for a couple of hours.

I had convinced myself I was going to have a long labor lol.

I was afraid I was going to swell my cervix up pushing too early so I asked my midwife to check me.

I told her NOT to tell me if I was only 3 centimeters dilated.๐Ÿ˜‚

I was leaned over the couch and she just barely felt and told me that my babyโ€™s head was right there and to just follow my bodyโ€™s lead. I was so thrilled and pushing felt like a relief to have something to do.

The only part I didnโ€™t like about pushing was the babies head crowning I wanted that to be over.๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Once I felt the babies head though I was sooooo happy! I knew my dream was coming true and I was going to have this baby at home. ๐Ÿ˜

I was able to reach down and feel as the baby was coming out and then I actually got to catch my own baby!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
She was born at 4:06 am.

8pounds 10ounces.

I was sooo excited and I am still thankful everyday I was able to have the home birth of my dreams with roots and wings midwifery.๐Ÿ’—

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