Interview with a Midwife


Roots & Wings Midwifery

Learn about what your prenatal, birth, and postpartum care would look like with us! 

Research Articles and Other Resources About Maternity Care

Study conclusion: Those who had a low-risk pregnancy and planned a home birth had fewer interventions, even when care transferred to the hospital during labor.

Study conclusion: Planned home births with a qualified birth attendant are as safe as planned birth center births for low-risk pregnancies. 

Study conclusion: Interventions in the first stage of labor negatively affect birth outcomes. 

Study conclusion: The client’s feeling of safety contributes to the optimal progression of labor and birth. 

Conclusion: Intermittent fetal monitoring is safe to use for low-risk pregnancies. It reduces the risk of cesarean birth and operative delivery. 

Information about the European model of care, including having two midwives attend the birth. 

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